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8 Ideas for a Better Morning Routine

Roll over to the right side of the bed and make your morning less chaotic with these tips and tricks.
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Wake Alarm App

Are you an over sleeper? Wish someone would shake you awake when you need to get up? Your wish granted by your smartphone. This app forces you to interact with your Smartphone in order to shut it off. Now your ears and your mind will sit up straight in bed first thing in the morning.

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Moxie Showerhead

I don't know about you, but when I'm in my car or the shower, I'm a Grammy contender. Your car has a sweet sound system, so why not your bathroom, too? This Bluetooth enabled showerhead will let you start your day with a little theme music and a lot of water pressure.

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Lark Life Wristband

This brilliant wristband can help you monitor your diet and exercise throughout the day, but in the morning it really struts its stuff. After tracking your sleep, it vibrates to wake you up noiselessly so your partner isn't disturbed (bonus relationship points).

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Automated Switch (Belkin WeMo)

How luxurious would it be to turn your coffeemaker on from the comfort of your bed? This app-operated outlet makes anything plugged into it an app-operated device. Simply use the app on your phone to control the switch and don't let your feet hit the ground until you smell your java brewing.

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