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Create a Fab Zen Gym in the Privacy of Your Own Home

Instead of wasting precious space on a dining room that hardly ever gets used, why not convert that enviable space into a useful zen gym you can really get use out of?

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Working It Out

It's no secret that exercise is crucial, but consistently going to the gym isn't always realistic. And while most people don't think they have the space or money for a home gym, it may actually be within your reach. We'll show you how a few changes in your dining space can give you the home gym of your dreams.

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Something Soft Underfoot

Once you clear out the dining table and chairs, the first step is to lay down a rubber tile floor. This is especially crucial if you have hardwood floors. It's inexpensive and easy to install, and trust us, your body will thank you.

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A Case for Baskets

A wire basket provides a great place to store yoga mats, weights, exercise bands and more. And since you can always see what's in the basket, you'll always know exactly what's available to you.

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Bring in Life

Hanging plants are welcome decor as they don't take up any floor space, and they also aid in purifying the air. Plus, let's face it. They're pretty, and this is a zen gym after all!

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