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Christmas Mailbox Decorating

Don't neglect the mailbox this holiday! Follow these step-by-step instructions to create a beautiful evergreen swag.
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Evergreen Christmas Mailbox Swag

Give your guests and neighbors a glimpse of your holiday decorating by creating a DIY mailbox swag.

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Mailbox Swag Supply List

You will need: chicken wire/wire cutters/florist wire/faux evergreen branches/real evergreen branches and trimmings/magnolia leaves (faux or real)/ornaments

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Step One: Create Base

Create a base for your swag by forming a piece of chicken wire around your mailbox.  This creates a sturdy foundation to work with.  Begin by wiring artificial pieces of evergreen to the top of your wire form, starting at the front and working towards the back.

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Step Two: Fill In Swag

Fill in your swag base by wiring in real and artificial evergreen, until it is full and has the form you like.  You can hold your base up from time to time to see how it will look on your mailbox.

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