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Get Crafty: A Grapevine Pumpkin

This rustic pumpkin comes to life with a few grapevine wreaths and a branch for a stem.
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Minimalist Pumpkin

Can't find pumpkins in stores yet? Create this grapevine version to tide you over!

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Round Up Your Supplies

You will need: 6 grapevine wreaths (6 inches each) / 9-inch piece of branch / Floral wire / Scissors / Wire cutters (optional) / Hot glue gun

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Unwrap the Wreaths

Carefully unwrap the piece of grapevine that binds the wreath; set it aside, as you will need it later. With the floral wire, wrap a 1" section of the wreath tightly with a piece of floral wire. Go around a few times for a secure hold. Repeat this on the 5 other wreaths.

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Pull the Wreath Apart

On the side directly across from the floral wire, gently tease apart the wreath until if unfurls and opens easily. Repeat on all the wreaths.

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