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Behind the Scenes in Martha Stewart's Vegetable Garden

August 13, 2020

In episode one of Martha Knows Best, Martha Stewart, along with her gardener, Ryan, focus on sharing ideas and advice for vegetable gardening, including prepping the soil, preparing the beds and planting the seeds.

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Good Loam Soil

The first episode of Martha Knows Best is all about the first rule of gardening: Take care of the soil, and it will take care of your plants. Here, Martha shows the ideal soil called loam, which she compares to a good pie crust dough, or pate brisee in French — both crumble but will hold together when pressed.

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Martha and Ryan

By Martha's side in this series is her gardener, Ryan McCallister. Here, he hands Martha the phone so she can answer call-in questions. One question comes from a couple looking for vegetable gardening advice. Martha's advice? "The couple that gardens together, stay together." (Of course, there are exceptions.)

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Impress Martha

In each episode of Martha Knows Best, she takes a call from someone who aims to "Impress Martha." For the first episode, Elise from Florida shows Martha how she collects condensation from her AC unit and diverts it to a rain barrel. The rain barrel is outfitted with a pump so the water can be used in Elise's vegetable garden. Martha is impressed.

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Tilling Methods

Martha and Ryan demonstrate different methods of tilling soil to prepare for planting. Martha takes the power tiller while sticking Ryan with the broadfork — a traditional tool that's a lot of hard work. As Martha says, it's good exercise: "Keep young, keep gardening."

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