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11 Perennials You Can’t Kill

Discover tough-as-nails perennials you don’t need a green thumb to grow.

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Photo: Image courtesy of White Flower Farm.

Shasta Daisy (Leucanthemum x superbum)

A daisy is a classic, beloved flower, and Shasta daisy tames the wild part of this beauty to make it a solid garden performer. Choose shorter varieties like ‘Snowcap’ to prevent flopping and avoid staking. Clip spent blooms to extend the flower show for months. Combines well with: daylily, rudbeckia and catmint. Hardy in Zones 4 to 9.

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Ostrich Fern (Matteuccia struthiopteris)

Feathery leaves fill part to full shade with beautiful green texture. Ostrich ferns do spread aggressively when happy; use care siting it near cherished plants. Combines well with: hosta, sweet woodruff or spring wildflowers, like trillium or trout lily. Hardy in zones 3 to 9.

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‘Stella de Oro’ Daylily (Hemerocallis ‘Stella de Oro’)

Golden lily-type flowers punctuate a mound of strappy leaves. This is a reblooming daylily, so you can expect blossoms to open all season long. Full sun coaxes the most flowers to form. Combines well with: Siberian iris, purple coneflower and bee balm. Hardy in zones 3 to 9.

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Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea)

Purplish-pink petals dangle around an orange-brown central spiky cone. Bees, butterflies and hummingbirds visit these flowers. Cut blossoms for bouquets. Combines well with: bee balm, toadlily, Siberian iris and Russian sage. Hardy in Zones 3 to 8.

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