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10 Tips for Creating a Spring-Inspired Passover Table

March 12, 2021

Since many hours are spent at the Passover Seder table, elevate the traditional set-up with fresh seasonal touches. Plus, learn how to set a beautiful Passover table and the important elements to include. Chag sameach!

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Photo: Rebekah Lowin

Start With a Table Runner

The arrival of Passover also means the arrival of spring, and what better way to honor that than with a floral, seasonal-inspired Seder tablescape? Begin by anchoring the table with a runner or tablecloth. Not only does this add to the overall appeal (particularly if you choose a fun color or pattern), but it's practical as well: You'll catch any spills before they become a permanent problem. And during a Seder, when multiple glasses of wine are being poured, you'll want to have as much tabletop protection as possible.

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Photo: Rebekah Lowin

Select a Seder Plate

The Seder plate is one of the most symbolic pieces of the Passover celebration. Traditionally, it remains on the table throughout the entirety of the Seder and contains specific ritual items that represent a different aspect of the story of Passover. If you're hosting a Seder this year and find yourself without one of these cherished heirlooms, there's good news: You can create your own at home. Our simple tutorial below will guide you along — no experience working with clay required.

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Photo: Rebekah Lowin

And a Matzo Plate

Another tradition of Passover revolves around the eating of matzo, or a cracker-like unleavened flatbread, instead of bread. Matzo symbolizes the swiftness with which the Jewish were required to flee from Egypt. They did not have enough time to allow their bread to rise, and so they ended up with matzo. A special matzo plate is used during dinner and passed around to each guest at various points during the Seder. If you don't have access to a matzo plate, you can also use any standard large plate.

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Photo: Rebekah Lowin

Feature a Special Matzo Cover

Once you have your matzo plate, cover it with a matzo cover. While heirlooms are incredibly special, they're not the only option nowadays. If you don't have a hand-me-down matzo cover available, there are many options available online. The beautiful cover seen here from The Jewish Museum features embroidered pomegranates in soft hues as well as the Hebrew word for Passover.

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