8 Jaw-Droppingly Easy Shark Fin Decorations

Turn your entire summer into a shark-themed bash with these fin-tastically creative crafts.

Put a Fin on It
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Show: HGTV Happy

Liven up a kid’s birthday party, host the perfect Shark Week viewing night, or just bring a healthy dose of summer fun to any gathering with these easy shark fin party decor ideas!

Ferocious Fin Headband

Trace and cut two shark fins with small tabs on the bottom out of craft foam. Once cut out, hot glue the two pieces together at the bottom tabs, fold together and hot glue the fins together as well. To finish up, hot glue the tab to a plain headband for the ultimate wearable shark fin accessory.

A Shark Fin Headband Made of Foam Adorns a Little Girl's Head

A Little Girl Plays While Wearing a Shark Fin Headband

A girl and boy play while the girl wears a blue headband with a craft foam shark fin glued to the top of it. The girl is playing with shark toys in her hand.

Photo by: Jalynn Baker

Jalynn Baker

JAW-Dropping Napkin Holders

Start by painting a wooden clothespin with gray paint. Once dry, use a fine-tip black magic marker to draw tiny eyes on each side and a white market to draw rows of teeth on each side of the opening. Glue a small piece of red felt inside the opening to resemble a mouth and attach a craft foam fin to the top of the clothespin with hot glue.

A Shark Napkin Holder Made out of a Clothespin

A Clothespin Painted and Modified to Look Like a Shark

This clothespin has been painted gray and a pair of eyes and teeth have been drawn on. Felt and craft foam were used to add a red mouth and a fin on the back of the clothespin to make it look like a shark.

Photo by: Jalynn Baker

Jalynn Baker

A Fin for a Furry Friend

Following the same steps as the headband, cut out two larger craft foam fins with two tabs at the bottom. Hot glue the tabs together and place small pieces of hook-and-loop tape at the top of each fin. Wrap the fin around your furry friend’s harness for a fin-tastic Shark Week outfit!

A Craft Foam Shark Fin Makes a Dog Even Cuter

Cute Dog Sits in the Grass Wearing a Shark Fin

A shark fin made of craft foam is attached to a dog's harness. The dog is black, white and brown and is smiling, panting and sitting in the grass.

Photo by: Jalynn Baker

Jalynn Baker

Chomp Down on This Sharky Snack

To create a fun and adorable shark-themed snack, cut a fin out of craft foam and hot glue it to a disposable silver spoon. Top a blue pudding cup with whipped cream and place the spoon in the cup to create the perfectly beachy scene.

Girls Use Shark Spoons to Eat Pudding and Whipped Cream

Two Girls Sitting and Laughing While Eating Pudding Cups

Two girls sit on the ground at a party while eating blue pudding with spoons made to look like shark fins. The whipped cream makes the blue pudding look like an ocean with a shark coming out of it.

Photo by: Jalynn Baker

Jalynn Baker

Shark-Approved Cupcakes

Give an ordinary blue cupcake a shark-themed makeover by cutting sandwich cookies in half and placing them in the icing to look like a shark fin coming out of the ocean water.

Sandwich Cookie Shark Fins Coming out of Cupcakes

Cupcakes Become Shark-Themed With Sandwich Cookies

These cupcakes become shark-themed cupcakes with the simple addition of sandwich cookies that have been cut in half. The blue icing makes it look like the shark is in the ocean.

Photo by: Jalynn Baker

Jalynn Baker

A Dip in the Ocean

Photo by: Jalynn Baker

Jalynn Baker

Make a bowl of guacamole a little more festive by placing a blue corn chip in the center of the bowl to resemble a shark fin.

A Shark Fin Chip Sticking out of Guacamole

A Chip Stuck in Guacamole Resembles a Shark Fin

A blue corn tortilla chip sitting inside a bowl of guacamole resembles a shark fin coming out of the ocean. The blue chip is reminiscent of a shark's skin tone.

Glass Bottle Shark

Cut two fins out of blue craft foam and glue them to the side of a glass soda bottle for a refreshing shark-themed drink.

Shark Fin Soda Bottles Made With Craft Foam

Blue Soda Bottles With Shark Fins on The Side

These blue soda bottles look like an ocean in a bottle with the addition of a foam shark fin on their side. The labels have been revealed to let the shark fin shine.

Photo by: Jalynn Baker

Jalynn Baker

A Shark’s Favorite Snack

Kids will love eating popcorn out of a shark’s mouth. To make this adorable snack holder, roll a piece of gray construction paper up and tape off. Next, cut a row of shark teeth out of white paper and tape on the inside edge of the cone. Finish the look off with a gray fin cut out of construction paper and hot glued to the side of the cone.

Cones Made of Construction Paper Resemble Gray Sharks

Popcorn Sits Within the Mouths of Paper Shark Cones

Gray construction paper is rolled up and modified to resemble a shark holding popcorn in its mouth. The group of cones is lined up on a table at a party.

Photo by: Jalynn Baker

Jalynn Baker

Bookworm, err – Shark

Create a fun shark fin bookmark by hot gluing a craft foam shark fin to the end of a popsicle stick and sliding into your favorite book.

A Shark Fin Bookmark Made of a Popsicle Stick in Book

A Popsicle Stick Bookmark Made to Resemble a Shark

An open book reveals a bookmark made out of a popsicle stick and craft foam. The craft foam is glued to the popsicle stick and cut to resemble a shark fin sticking out of the book.

Photo by: Jalynn Baker

Jalynn Baker

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