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9 Weird, But Practical Uses for Toothpaste

Believe it or not, toothpaste can do a lot more than just keep your pearly whites cavity-free.

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Photo: Sarah Busby

De-Grime Your Iron

You can kiss the days of a grime-covered iron goodbye. Apply a generous amount of toothpaste directly to the iron. Using a damp rag, spread the toothpaste around on the surface of the iron using circular motions. Remove the excess toothpaste, and your iron will look as good as new.

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Photo: Sarah Busby

Get Rid of Polish Stains

Do you avoid brightly-colored nail polish for fear of stained fingers? Fear no more. Toothpaste has the cleaning power to remove those pesky stains and make your nails shine like they never have before. Remove the nail polish, and place a dab of whitening toothpaste onto each nail. Rub it in, and let it sit for approximately five minutes. Next, scrub each nail with a toothbrush. Finally, rinse the toothpaste off with warm water and pat dry. Voila! No more unwanted polish stains.

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Photo: Sarah Busby

Polish Those Pearly White ... Tiles

Don't let grease or food splatters keep your tile from looking its best. Toothpaste has the cleaning power to keep your tiles looking brand new. Simply apply a small amount of toothpaste to a damp rag, and spread the paste onto the tile. Once clean, remove the excess paste and enjoy the pearly white results.

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Photo: Sarah Busby

Deep Clean Your Grout

Banish ugly grout stains and unsightly buildup with toothpaste. Apply a dab of toothpaste to a toothbrush, and scrub away. Wipe off the excess toothpaste with a damp rag.

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