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3 Brilliant Ways to Add a Pop of Color to Your Home

Simple DIY projects that will brighten your home inside and out.

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Photo: Sam Henderson

Drab to Fab Bookcase

Brighten up a humdrum bookcase with a pop of bright color. Paint all of the outside edges with a contrasting color for impact.

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If painting a finished bookcase, coat the bookcase first in high adhesive primer. Add a coat or two, if necessary, of latex paint. Use a smooth roller for a solid, smooth finish.
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Photo: Sam Henderson

Primer + Paint

If painting a finished bookcase, coat the bookcase first in high adhesive primer. Add a coat or two, if necessary, of latex paint. Use a smooth roller for a solid, smooth finish.

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Photo: Sam Henderson

Display Your Keepsakes

Fill the bookcase with books, magazines and collections of cherished items.

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Add a pop of color to the front of your house with simple, modern numbers.
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Photo: Sam Henderson

Instant Curb Appeal

Add a pop of color to the front of your house with simple, modern numbers.

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