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12 Tech Don'ts

Take heed of these common tech accidents to keep your gadgets safe and in top shape.
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Using Devices in the Bathroom

I know you won't admit it, but chances are high that you use your smartphone while in the bathroom. This is asking for a water-soaked device. If a text or Instagram upload really can't wait a couple minutes, I recommend a lifejacket for your phone in the form of a waterproof case. You'll thank me when your phone goes for an inopportune swim.

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Unprotected Tablet

I guarantee once you've left an unprotected tablet in a bag and a stray, sharp object scratches the screen, you'll be unable to see anything else but that dastardly scrape. Arm the tablet with a scratch-proof screen so all subsequent movie-viewing and web-surfing will be distraction-free.

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Eating at Your Desk

Your mouse pad attracts as much dirt and grease as a keyboard, especially if there's greasy pizza nearby. And crumbs can get into the bottom of your mouse, making it tough to track properly. If you have a fabric mouse pad, wipe it down with a microfiber cloth and a little amount of mild soap.

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Crumb-Filled Keyboard

Eating at your desk not only robs you of a well-earned break, it makes your tech gear pretty grimey. Blast crumbs away with several sprays of compressed air, or use a cotton swab to get hard to reach areas.

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