Bedroom Reading Lights

Creating the perfect bedroom reading nook is simple with these ideas for bedroom reading lights.
Contemporary Bedroom With Nightstand

Contemporary Bedroom Nightstand With Reading Light

Bedroom reading lights can take the form of a bedside table lamp, a pendant light hanging on either side of the bed, or wall-mounted sconce lights on either side of the bed.

Photo by: Copyright 2009 David Young-Wolff

Copyright 2009 David Young-Wolff

By: Gina Hannah

The bedroom is a natural place to spend some time reading, whether you're reading in bed or in a special chair or lounge in a corner of your bedroom designed just for that purpose. To create the perfect reading area in your bedroom, incorporate lighting that will make reading easy on the eyes without detracting from the peaceful atmosphere of your retreat.

Bedroom reading lights can take the form of a bedside table lamp, a pendant light hanging on either side of the bed, or wall-mounted sconce lights on either side of the bed.

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Bedside table lamps can be chosen to complement your other furnishings, and they're an easy way to add reading light. Some bedside tables have a lamp built into the design. Some table lamps save space by also serving as bookends to hold your reading materials. These portable lamps offer flexibility should you decide to move your bed to another location in your bedroom.

For a more permanent bedroom reading solution, wall-mounted and pendant lights can be found in myriad designs and sizes; they can blend unobtrusively with the bed's headboard, or they can add a stunning design element to your sleeping area. They'll also free up room on your nightstand for that stack of books you've been meaning to tackle. Adjustable or swing-arm wall lights will allow you and your partner to move lights as needed and read without blinding each other, keeping the light focused where you want it.

If you plan to install wall-mounted lights or hanging pendant lights, be sure to have the fixtures wired so that each one is individually controlled.

If you prefer to spend your bedroom reading time not in bed but in a special reading nook, choose an attractive floor or table lamp that complements your bedroom's decor. Some lamps allow the light to be positioned to the reader's preference, and some provide upward indirect lighting to add ambient light to the room. A floor lamp can also be placed next to the bedside for reading.

Consider the type of bulbs you want for your reading lights. You don't want the bulbs to emit too much heat, particularly if they are close to the bed. LED, or light-emitting diode lights, are a good choice. LED bulbs are bright enough to provide light for the reader, and they're focused enough that they won't disturb the reader's sleeping partner. LED lights also make reading easier for aging eyes.

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