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Hang Floral Fabric on Your Ceiling

By: Jen Jafarzadeh L'Italien
Do you need a fun project in the bedroom? Get inspired with step-by-step instructions for adding a vibrant focal point.
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Bright and Cheerful

Don't be afraid to go big and choose a spectacular fabric with scale and drama, like this floral fabric we found at DryGoods Design Online. A bright, bold pattern makes an excellent foil for a bedroom with lots of whites and neutrals. Your fabric canopy is sure to be the exclamation point in the room.

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Materials List

For this project you'll need fabric; measuring tape; a sewing machine; grommets; a grommet tool; scissors; a pencil; ceiling hooks; rope or twine; an iron; and fabric scissors.

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Measure the Fabric

First, choose your fabric. The floral fabric here is a lightweight cotton fabric. Measure and cut how much you’ll need to create your fabric canopy. Consider the size of your bed and how much you want the canopy to drape when deciding the measurements for the canopy. Home decor fabrics are typically a wider width (54 to 56 inches wide) so you wouldn’t need to fuse two panels together. You would need about 3-4 yards of wide-width fabric. The fabric shown here is a lightweight fabric we found at DryGoods Design Online. It's 45 inches wide, so we worked with 7 yards, fusing two panels of fabric together. A lightweight fabric will have a pretty drape, and you won’t have to worry about reinforcing the canopy to the ceiling, as you would with a home decor fabric, due to the weight.

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Sew the Edges

To create your canopy, you'll need to finish the raw edges of your fabric and fuse two panels of fabric together to create one canopy that matches the width of your bed. It's true that there’s no-sew stitch witchery you can use if you don’t have a sewing machine. But the canopy is a lot of fabric, so the no-sew solution would not look polished — and the seam down the middle of your canopy will ripple if it's not properly sewed. If you don't have access to a sewing machine, try taking your fabric to a local tailor to have it hemmed.

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