4 Clever Ways to Use Cream of Tartar Beyond Baking

Take this pantry staple beyond the mixing bowl. We've got four ways to use cream of tartar in your next cleaning emergency.

Cleaning with Cream of Tartar
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PROBLEM: Buildup on Stainless Steel Pan

Cleaning with Cream of Tartar, Step 2a


Photo by: Andy Vinson, Loch & Key Productions

Andy Vinson, Loch & Key Productions


1: Sprinkle cream of tartar on buildup.

2: Top with roughly 2 cups of hot water.

3: Let sit for 10 minutes.

4: Scrub off residue with a non-abrasive sponge.

5: Rinse well, then wipe clean with a microfiber cloth.

PROBLEM: Scratched Plate

Cleaning with Cream of Tartar. Step 7


Photo by: Andy Vinson, Loch & Key Productions

Andy Vinson, Loch & Key Productions


1: Sprinkle cream of tartar on the scratched surface.

2: Scrub the area with a wet scouring pad.

3: Rinse well, then wipe clean with a microfiber cloth.

PROBLEM: Dingy Appliances

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This image has been migrated from FGS and has been distributed to our partners.

This image has been migrated from FGS and has been distributed to our partners.

1: Add cream of tartar to a small mixing bowl.

2: Add 1 to 2 tablespoons of water.

3: Mix with a spoon.

4: Dip a microfiber cloth in the mixture and polish the surface of the appliance(s) in small, circular motions. Continue until you've polished the entire surface.

5: Buff and wipe clean with a fresh microfiber cloth.

PROBLEM: Ink Stain

Cleaning with Cream of Tartar, Step 12


Photo by: Andy Vinson, Loch & Key Productions

Andy Vinson, Loch & Key Productions


1: Put a cloth directly behind the ink stain.

2: To create a bleach alternative, squeeze 1/2 a lemon into a small mixing bowl. Add cream of tartar, and stir.

3: Using a spoon, dab the mixture onto the ink stain.

4: Let sit for three hours.

5: Wash as normal.

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