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Handmade Valentine's Day Cards

Create sweet gifts for your friends and family this Valentine's Day with these fun handmade candy cards.
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Candy Valentines

Spread a little love this Valentine's Day with sweet, handmade cards. Create your favorite flower or garden love bug and fill with candy for a charming gifts. These are great Valentine's Day treats for kids or adults with a sweet tooth!

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To create your valentines you will need paper, sandwich bags, scissors, candy and a hot glue gun. Choose a stiff paper like card stock that can support a bit of weight. You can use any kind of clear sandwich bag, with or without a zip closure.

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Cut Your Shapes

Begin by cutting out the shapes you will use for your cards. You will need a piece for the back and a piece for the front that should be exactly the same size. Cut through two pages at once to be sure you are creating identical shapes. Cut a shape out of the middle of the top shape. This hole will be filled with candy.

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Glue on the Bag

Hot glue (adults should supervise children when handling hot glue guns) the plastic bag to the back piece of your card. You only need glue along the edges of the card. At this point you should still be able to open the plastic bag. Only one side should be glued to the card.

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