Deciding on a Garage Door

New garage door options maximize durability, energy efficiency, performance and safety, without compromising on style.


If your garage faces the street, your doors will make a big impact on the look of your house. Photo courtesy of Clopay

Photo by: Clopay


If your garage faces the street, your doors will make a big impact on the look of your house. Photo courtesy of Clopay
By: Peter Walsh

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Shopping Basics: Construction and Budget

Garage doors typically have three construction options: single layer, double layer and triple layer. Single-layer construction offers a steel, wood or fiberglass skin without insulation. It's perfect for families with a low budget who need a secure place to house their cars.

Double-layer construction goes up a step in fabrication and price, adding a layer of polystyrene board and a thin back cover. The insulation makes the door more energy efficient and increases soundproofing and structural integrity.

10 Ideas for Garage Doors

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The gold standard of garage doors is the triple-layer. It sandwiches a layer of insulation between two pieces of steel, wood or fiberglass. If you want maximum energy efficiency, soundproofing and structural integrity — and have extra room in the budget — this is the door for you.

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What's the Right Material?

The most popular choice of garage door material is a fiberglass door that is molded to look like wood. These are the easiest to maintain and come in nearly any design and color.

If you prefer real wood and don't mind painting or restaining regularly, choose redwood, cedar or hemlock. Steel doors also offer excellent security, cost less and have fewer maintenance issues than wood.


Photo courtesy of Cloplay

Photo by: Clopay


Photo courtesy of Cloplay

Insulated or Not?

If your garage is attached to your house, and the budget allows, choose a garage door that's insulated against noise and temperature. Unheated detached garages typically do not need a door with insulation.

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Front Doors: Wood, Steel and Fiberglass

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