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Our Favorite DIYers on Instagram

These crafty photographers are definitely worth the follow.

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Photo: Courtesy of Kelly Ventura

Kelly Ventura Design

Artist and designer Kelly Ventura paints vibrant botanical watercolors that become prints, wallpaper, paper goods, bedding, dinnerware and so much more. On Instagram, she shares the evolution of her art including mistakes. "I love showing my process and glimpses of my life because I think it provides a more real connection in this world of social media," Ventura said. "I show the messes, the mistakes, the highs and the lows, the days my kids are home sick and playing in my studio with me. We are all human and showing the real stuff is important to me."

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Photo: Courtesy of Used Threads

Used Threads

Macrame and embroidery are great but embroidered macrame is even better. The U.K. crafter Used Threads channels a nostalgic 70s vibe in her work with tiny hoops of trendy botanicals and groovy planters.

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Photo: Courtesy of Maryanne Moodie

Maryanne Moodie

Textile artist Maryanne Moodie's feed features gorgeous wall hangings and fiber decor all woven by hand. "There is something that connects us with a slower time at the loom," she said. "You must focus completely on the task at hand." Moodie recycles and upcycles fibers, spinning second-hand materials with high-end fibers. "I like to feel the story of a fiber," she said. "What was its life before it came to me?"

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Photo: Courtesy of Suakoko Betty

Suakoko Betty

Atlanta fashion designer Charlene Dunbar created the Suakoko Betty brand to honor her Liberian roots and share traditional African patterns and colors in modern fashion. Her family moved to the states when she was a child to escape Liberia’s civil war and fashion became "a connection to home and a way to express who I was and where I came from." The colorful, vivid patterns that she shares on Instagram are beautiful but also tell a story. "A lot of the wax or Ankara prints depict proverbs or aspects of life back home," Dunbar said. "There's one with a repeating motif of a bird in flight in an oval and it means 'Money has wings.' Others prints may mimic handmade African batik prints."

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