
In my more than 30-year interior design journey, I’ve realized that my role as creator isn’t about beauty alone. Through design, we can influence our feelings and behavior…fulfill the very lives we wish to lead. I’ve culled these discoveries and practices, refining my process from beginning to end with my clients and looking to them as the ultimate source of design inspiration. I’ve come to call this spiritual journey Design Enlightenment®; and it’s too powerful not to share.

My passion to create meaningful spaces has evolved into a mission to lead a movement that helps others to do the same. A journey is made one step at a time. With me at your side, you will start from the beginning, only moving forward when Enlightenment within each phase is found. Whether it be my writings, talks, workshops, or curriculums, my voice is clear… everyone deserves to have a sacred space.

Bea Pila

Bea Pila

Contact Me
BPila Design
bpilabespoke.com/ 2610 SW 28 Lane Coconut Grove, FL 33133 305-856-7916