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15 Whiskey Cocktail Recipes to Try

April 29, 2020

These essential whiskey cocktails run the gamut from classic Old Fashioneds and Rusty Nails to new whiskey twists on the Bloody Mary.

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The Sazerac is often referred to as the oldest American cocktail dating back to the pre-Civil War era. It has seen its share of changes, including the substitution of anise flavored spirits when absinthe was banned in the U.S. in 1912. Because of that, you may see some variation in recipes, but the basics remain.

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Whiskey Buck Cocktail

This simple, retro cocktail made with Irish whiskey and lime juice adds a modern twist with homemade grapefruit syrup.

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Photo: Image courtesy of Pig and the Pearl

Pitchfork Punch

Named for the blackberry brambles that poke and stick, Pitchfork Punch is full of bourbon, blackberries and tea scented with a fresh mint syrup.

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Photo: Abigail Barnes

Irish Mexican Coffee

This warm cocktail is topped with whiskey-infused whipped cream.

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