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Tween Girl Bedroom Ideas

Create a bedroom for a tween girl that's equal parts colorful, cool, classic and chic with these ideas.
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Grown-Up Glam

To make what was a juvenile, childish girl's room more appropriate for a growing tween, its walls were painted a deep shade of violet, album cover-inspired art was hung to create a focal point, vintage lighting was installed on the ceilings and the walls, and women's fashion fabrics were used in upholstered accents.

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Prior to this tween girl's bedroom redesign, the walls were covered in bright lilac paint, which gave it more of a little girl's identity. In order to make it cool enough for a tween yet classic enough for parents, the space would be painted a dark shade of violet, the dated wall-to-wall carpet would be replaced with gray-toned vinyl plank flooring and the childish furniture would be swapped out for colorful vintage pieces.

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Color, Emphasized

Thanks to a bold color scheme of violet, black, white and gold, this designer-caliber tween girl's room is as appealing to the tween herself as it is to her young parents. From the royal palette to the vintage pieces and fashion-inspired fabrics, everything in the room can transition well as the tween girl becomes a full-fledged teenager. To invest wisely with tween room updates, emphasize color and pattern instead of themes.

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Inspiring Art

Art is often overlooked in children's and tween's rooms; however, it can completely change the space and serve as a source of inspiration for the rest of the decor. This room was designed for a tween who was named after legendary bluegrass singer/songwriter Lucinda Williams. Commissioning an artist to draw an original portrait of the singer and having it professionally framed not only added a feeling of individuality to the room, it served as the inspiration for the room's violet, black, white and gold palette.

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