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Behind the Scenes with the Brothers in the Big Easy

All work and no play in NOLA? Not likely. Take a peek at how the good times rolled for Jonathan and Drew when the Brothers Take New Orleans crew wasn’t on duty. 

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Photo: Jackson Hill /AP Images
Are you sure you’re up for this gig, guys? Café Du Monde is open 24/7—it only shuts its doors for Christmas Day and for close brushes with hurricanes.

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Photo: Jackson Hill /AP Images
JD, Jonathan, and Drew recharge at Café Du Monde, where the Coffee and Chicory is served au lait (half milk and half coffee). The chicory, or endive root, rounds dark-roasted coffee’s bitter edges—and its chocolate-like flavor is as classically Cajun as seafood gumbo. 

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Photo: Jackson Hill /AP Images
Beignets—square pieces of dough, fried and covered in powdered sugar—are served as trios at Café Du Monde. If you and your brother have just spent four weeks completely transforming a pair of historic homes, you should probably go ahead and get two orders.  

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Photo: Emilee Ramsier
Where better to soak up a bit of color for future projects—and loosen up Home Towns Erin and Ben Napier, the judges for the bedroom-renovation phase of your competition—than at Kermit’s Tremé Mother-in-Law Lounge? The eye-popping exterior comes courtesy of local artist Daniel Fuselier, and jazzman Kermit Ruffins plays the trumpet and plies the locals with speakeasy-worthy drinks within.

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